Training Topics

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Value Proposition
The construction world consists largely of no-nonsense alpha personalities. The ever tightening build schedules and increased competition have made “getting noticed” difficult. With the need to stand out and create opportunities and grow market share sales reps must elevate their presentation skills. A great value added statement doesn’t need to be complex - but it does need to be affective. I will structure and clearly explaining the fundamentals of a great opening pitch.
Reading a Job Site
Sales people that can effectively read and evaluate a job site for opportunities are ahead of the competition. Great sales people don’t wait for opportunities they go looking for them. Great reps can read a job site and anticipate the sales opportunities based on the stages of the construction. Sales professionals that can forecast and create sales are ten times more successful than reps that wait for the phone to ring. Understanding a project’s scope, size, and budget and what opportunities are available in each phase of the project is critical. It’s less important what you are selling and it’s more important what your customers are buying.
Complete Sales Rep
Most Sales Representatives focus on one or two skills. However, if a sales representative developed 2-3 other skills in the 9 skills foundation for sales excellence their numbers and success would drastically increase. Prospecting, Cold Calling, Follow Up, Presenting, Time Management, Closing, Negotiating/Conflict Resolution and Relationship Building are the complete skill set all reps in to understand. There’s a lot of potential growth when even one of these skills is added to a sales reps repertoire. A truly successful sales representative is confident and will versed in all the skills to best support the customer and the company they represent.
Personal Branding
It’s not who you know… It’s who knows you. Dropping a business card and catalog on someone desk no longer equates to a memorable sales call. In an ever completing market for being remembered when it comes time to make the purchase personal brand recognition is becoming critical. Often times office annd Jobsite can have 5-10 sales representatives stop by in a single day. If you believe that a logo on a polo shirt or a calendar left on a desk is going to make you important or memorable in todays competitive market - you are wrong.
Goal Setting
Skills without Goals and Habits are like construction tools with a blue print of what you want to build. It is critical create a practice or applying the skills learned to strategic goal setting. In addition to supporting these goals with a personal daily habit’s commitment to produce lasting results.
Situational Awarenes
The Skills learned and developed need practical applications. Within the training space we allow all students to test communication and negotiation skills in a safe yet challenging environment. In the last 4 years of group trainings these Roll Playing interactions have always been the highlight of the training according to post training polls. These practical applications build confidence and challenges the reps to try new and unique ways to overcome difficult sales situation.