Passion. Experience. Industry Specific Knowledge.
Sales was always in my blood and 20yrs ago a colleague left and went to the Rental Equipment industry. His sales skills made him an instant success. His new employer, United Rentals asked him if you knew of any other sales professionals? United Rentals approached me and offered me a position. While working for United Rental I was ranked as top sales rep in the region.

In 2009 I started with Ahern Equipment and within 4 years I was the #1 ranked sales representative in the nation. My determination to constantly improve my sales skills and better serve my customers is what got me the results. I invested extensively in attending Tony Robbins and other training events. As well as, dedicated time and resources to my continued learning though books and classes.

My methodology for educating in such a way to increase confidence and results sets me apart from the traditional passive trainings. My learning disability taught me that there are multiple ways to teach and traditional methods of just reading a book don’t always yield the best results.

Get to know Elliott.
